Tuesday, January 24, 2012

#167 The Effect of Godly Sorrow

A blessed and reflective reading to all :)

2 Corinthians 7 (excerpts)

1 Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret
but worldly sorrow brings death. 

11 See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter. 

Praise and thank God!
"In God's presence, I am always renewed." 

Writing this blog serves (2) purpose for me-- my spiritual strengthening, and I being used by God to share His words.

Our Loving God will never fail, me or you, or anyone else; as we continue to hold on to Him, as we continue to cling more to Him; as we continue to be led by Him, assuredly, He will never let go of us....Isn't it so amazing to have a beautiful walk with God?

This morning, with my routine walk with my husband, our topic is "the testing of faith."

I shared him my vivid recollection of how God grows and continuously grows our faith. Everyone of us will have to go through a series of faith test. To purify us of our sins, to turn back to Him, and/or to grow deeper to Him. 

I recall friends whose loved ones have recently died, how co-believers are out of work or totally sick (cancer, heart problems), and extended families who are truly struggling with financial and relational problems. And now, we are in the same state of testing-- my hubby will be out of work by the 1st week of February, I have to pull Ram from his school because we need to go back home in the Philippines, no permanent place to stay, no work, total environment and life change.....that is our crossroad.

The beautiful part of being in the midst of all these uncertainties, we are ready, we are trusting God with all our hearts and our whole being, "thy will be done," we let go and let God.

Why am I personally sharing our life and our circumstance? Because the most beautiful testimony of a believer in Jesus Christ is that amidst anything and everything, we have someone we can hold on to-- our Loving Lord, Jesus Christ, our everything.

We don't know what the future holds for us when we go back home, but what we have is the confident hope in God's continuing faithfulness in our lives, that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He had stored something best for us, we don't know yet, but what we know is that it is His perfect will and purpose, Amen!

Through this blog, I believe with my heart that I am able to touch my readers in one way or another, of a continuing walk with God. My upliftments are His daily words for me, and the joy of sharing Him to all. Of the almost 2,000 pageviews I had since I started this blog Aug. 17, 2011 (5 months and counting), I never knew that God will use me to reach out to people whom or whom I may not know, from all over the world--US, Russia, Phils., Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Saudi, UAE, Latvia, Australia.

I firmly believe that if God will continue to use me in this way, this blog will continue to go on, but if not, He has a greater plan;
my fervent prayer and hope is that all of you may continue to walk in God's light :)

God bless to all :)

Glory to GOD!
May Jesus' love abounds in us all everyday (".)

Pray for Impact:
Wise Living
L E A R N I N G  to WA L K  with G O D
Thank You, Father, that You teach us to live purposeful 
and praiseworthy lives as we listen to Your voice and 
submit to it.  
WEEK 4: Pray for the leadership of In Touch to do their 
work as unto the Lord. Ask God to give them wisdom and 
grace to deal with challenges both in the workplace and 
their personal lives.
WEEK 5: Pray for all In Touch employees to seek the 
Lord’s vision for their lives this year and to be obedient to 
whatever He reveals.

Bible in a Year:
Read the Bible in One Year- Here's a reading plan where you and I can focus on God's Words everyday....to make it a habit, make it a practice, Amen :)

Read with me; God speaks to us through His words :)
January 24, 2012- Psalm 73; 77-78
My flesh and my heart may fail, 
   but God is the strength of my heart 
   and my portion forever. (Ps 73:26)

Today is the day :)
If you have not received Jesus Christ yet in your heart, today is the day. May you embrace His love and His gift :)

"Lord Jesus, I believe You are truly the Son of God. I confess that I have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed. Please forgive all my wrongdoing, and let me live in relationship with You from now on. I receive You as my personal Savior, accepting the work You accomplished once and for all on the cross. Thank You for saving me. Help me to live a life that is pleasing to You. Amen." (ref prayer by: Dr. Charles Stanley, InTouch Ministry)

Why am I doing this? Simple...."I am driven by the eternal destiny of others."

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